The A-Z of Services is a list of public services provided by Orkney Islands Council, alphabetically arranged and hyper-linked to the web page where the topic is discussed in greater detail. This is very similar to the way a traditional index, that is usually found to the rear of non-fiction books, works.
Menu Title starting with T
Taxi and Private Hire Car Drivers
Information about licences for taxi and private hire car drivers.
Taxi Ranks
Information about the provision of taxi ranks.
Taxis and Private Hire Cars
Information about licensing taxis and minicabs.
Teaching with Orkney Islands Council
Teaching vacancy information from Orkney Islands Council.
Telecare and the Mobile Responder Service
Information about the Telecare and Mobile Responder service.
Tenancy Agreement
Information for landlords regarding tenancy agreements.
Tenant Participation
Information regarding Tenant Participation.
Tenants Newsletter
Information about and copies of the Orkney Islands Councils' Tenants Newsletter.
Tenants' Handbook
Information regarding the Orkney Islands Councils' Tenants Handbook.
Tenders and Contracts
Details for construction and civil engineering contractors about applying for works projects with Orkney Islands Council.
Term, Holiday and Closure Dates
Details of the school calendar.
Terms and Conditions
Details of Council Employee terms and conditions, including teachers and lecturers.
Terms of reference
Orkney Childcare and Young People's Partnership terms of reference.
The Development Plan Scheme
The Development Plan Scheme 2019.
The East Sanday Coast Ramsar Site
Details on the East Sanday Coast Ramsar Site in Orkney.
The Educational Psychology Service
Information about the Educational Psychology Service.
The Hoy Centre
Information on the Hoy Centre.
The Learning Link
Information about the Learning Link and adult education classes in Orkney.
The Orkney Child Protection Committee
Details about the Orkney Child Protection Committee.
The Orkney Community Plan Incorporating the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan
Orkney Community Planning Partnership’s long-term vision and medium-term plan for a better Orkney.
The Process of Supporting Learning
Information about the process of supporting learning.
The Scottish Government's Housing Initiatives
Information regarding the Scottish Governments Housing Initiatives
The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012
The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012.
Information on the licences required by the local authority for theatres, and how to apply.
Thomas Ian Murray Ward
Hall of Fame case study on Thomas Ian Murray Ward.
Tin Helmet on Loan
Information about the loan of Eric Linklater's tin helmet to the Orkney Museum.
Tourism Development
Information on Tourism Development in Orkney.
Tourist Signposting Policy
Information on the Tourist Signposting Policy.
Trading Standards
Information on the primary roles of the Council's Trading Standards team.
Trading Standards Inspection, Testing and Enforcement
Information on Trading Standards Inspections, Testing and Enforcement.
Information on training available through Active Schools.
Transition Sports
Details on Primary 7 transition sports festivals.
Travel Facilities
Information on travel facilities in Orkney.
Travel Grants
Information about travel grants.
Tree Conservation
Information on tree conservation in Orkney.
Trees and Woodland
Trees and Woodland Supplementary Guidance adopted by Full Council on 29 April 2014.
Types of Tenancy
Information for private sector landlords on the different types of tenancy.