The A-Z of Services is a list of public services provided by Orkney Islands Council, alphabetically arranged and hyper-linked to the web page where the topic is discussed in greater detail. This is very similar to the way a traditional index, that is usually found to the rear of non-fiction books, works.
Menu Title starting with D
Data Protection Policy
Information on the Data Protection Policy.
Day Nursery Relief
Find out information about Day Nursery rates relief.
Dealing with your Application
A description of what happens with an application before and after submission.
Death Registration
Information about registering a death.
Deferred payment Scheme
Information on deferred payments.
Defining Inclusion
Definition of inclusion.
Democratic Services
Information about Democratic Services.
Demolitions and Dangerous Structures
Information and services available on demolitions and dangerous structures.
Developer Contributions
Developer Contributions and Good Neighbour Agreements Supplementary Guidance, October 2013.
Developing Inclusive Practice
Information about developing inclusive practice.
Development and Marine Planning (policy)
Orkney’s terrestrial and marine planning policies and related guidance.
Development Briefs
Information on Development Briefs and a list of approved Development Briefs.
Development Briefs and Design Statements
Information about Development Briefs and Design Statements Supplementary Guidance (7 October 2014.)
Development Management Guidance
Information and guidance on Development Management.
Development Management Guidance: Energy
Development Management Guidance on Energy.
Development Quality within Settlements
The "Development Quality within Settlements" guidance.
Direct Payments
Explained - Direct Payments or Self Directed Support.
Disabled Adaptation Grant
Information regarding disabled adaptation grants available in Orkney.
Disabled Persons Act 1978 Relief
Find out information about rates relief under the Disabled Persons Act 1978.
Discounts and Exemptions
Information on discounts and exemptions on council tax in Orkney.
Discretionary Housing Payments
Information on discretionary housing payments in Orkney.
Do not be Fooled by Scams
Information about scams for the public to be aware of.
Dog Breeders
Information on licences for dog breeders in Orkney.
Door-to-Door Metal Dealers
Information for metal dealers who buy and sell on a door-to-door basis in Orkney.
Dounby School and Community Centre
Information on the Dounby School and Community Centre, including contact details, prices and opening times.
Dr Kareen Marwick
Hall of Fame case study on Kareen Marwick.
Draft British Sign Language Local Plan 2018-2024 for Consultation
Draft British Sign Language Local Plan 2018-2024 for Consultation.
Dropped Kerbs / New Access
Information about permits for dropped kerbs and creating new access.
Drumhead Service in Edinburgh
News and pictures from Orcadians attending the Drumhead Service in Edinburgh on 10 August 2014.
Dual Ports
DUAL Ports - a shared eco-innovation port programme.
Duke of Edinburgh
Information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award - giving all young people the chance to develop skills for work and life.
Dynamic Youth Awards
Information on the Dynamic Youth Awards - peer assessed awards recognising the contributions and achievements of young people in the 10 to 14 age group.
Dyslexia Friendly Schools
Information about Dyslexia Friendly Schools.