Heather Woodbridge
- Ward: North Isles Ward.
- Address: Orkney Islands Council, Council Offices, School Place, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NY.
- OIC Mobile: 07385417779.
- Email: Heather.Woodbridge@orkney.gov.uk
How Best To Contact Me
Please get in touch through my email address (above). Like many folk in Orkney, unfortunately I do not have reliable mobile signal at home, so it’s best to arrange by email to make sure I don’t miss your call.
Personal Profile
I grew up in the community of North Ronaldsay, attended the island primary school and then Kirkwall Grammar School.
At 18 I was lucky enough to take part in the Orkney - Hordaland exchange, where I studied “Musikk” in Voss, Norway. I then studied Ecology at the University of Stirling (1st class Honours) where I wrote my dissertation on the management of North Ronaldsay sheep.
On the completion of my studies, I moved home to Orkney where I have been living and working since.
Committee Membership
Details of committee membership will be available from a ‘Related Downloads’ section on the page.
Outside Interests
Volunteering at community events, working on the family croft and having a good tune in a session – when that is allowed!
I am also interested in science communication, natural history, traditional music, culture and local dialect.
Find Me
On the croft in North Ronaldsay or cutting about Kirkwall - fiddle case in hand.
Privacy Notice
Councillors represent residents as part of their work in the community. A Privacy Notice is available from the 'Related Downloads' section of this page. This provides information about the type of personal information Councillors might collect in carrying out their work, how it is collected, how it is used and how it is stored.