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What's next for Stromness?

Date: 10 April 2019

Time: 10:23

A partnership project between Orkney Islands Council, Stromness Community Council and the Stromness Community Development Trust is launched this week, to bring local people together to discuss and share ideas for the future of Stromness.

'What's Next for Stromness' aims to work with the local community to find out what their priorities and aspirations are and create a shared plan which contains a vision and actions for Stromness for the next five to 10 years.

The project is being facilitated by PAS, a charitable social enterprise which helps communities to have their say in planning matters. PAS previously facilitated the Your Kirkwall project in 2018.

A series of community conversations and drop-ins will be held in Stromness in May, with events and meetings being held with local school pupils, community groups, businesses and the Council in the meantime.

Councillor James Stockan, Leader of the Council and a Councillor for Stromness and the South Isles, said: "By working with local folk throughout the entire project, the aim is to build this plan together and include the views of the whole community.

“Much of the recent development in Stromness was community-led and followed on from a similar exercise quite a few years ago. We are ready again to find out what folk would like for their town – and what ideas they have.”

Gordon Deans, current Chairperson of Stromness Community Council, said: "This plan will provide a community-led framework for the future of Stromness and a collaborative action to make that future a reality. It might include community projects, new facilities, infrastructure, public spaces, new development or other things - it's up to the local community to decide what's important."

Kris Bevan chairs the Stromness Community Development Trust. He said: "These are exciting times for Stromness, with the establishment of a development officer for the town and the construction of the new research campus, which opens up a wealth of opportunities for us. We are looking forward to working with the other groups and the wider community to push forward a dynamic plan for the future of our town."

  • Summary:

    A partnership project between Orkney Islands Council, Stromness Community Council and the Stromness Community Development Trust is launched this week, to bring local people together to discuss and share ideas for the future of Stromness.

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