VACMA: Tangled - Rebecca Marr
Date: 14th January 2025
Time: 12:00 to 12:00

The website focussing on my research on seaweed was developed and published and there have been 2800 views of the website:
As well as the dedicated page, I have a permanent link to the project on my home page
My application was for the website but this led to an exhibition 'Tang and Ware' with other seaweed artists at Northlight Gallery in August 2023 and the website was promoted during that show. The project enabled me to curate that show and engage with other seaweed artists.
Further to this my seaweed work was on show at Ship Of Fools in Kirkwall with an Orkney Japan Association exhibition 'The Sea! The Sea!, Tides and Transformations' and Brown's Gallery in Inverness along with other Orkney artists in 'Orcadia' in October 2023. Both exhibitions promoted the website with links and a bookmark with the website address. A further show with Orkney Japan Association is planned for 2024.
This funding really allowed me focus on my seaweed work and has given me a solid body of work to share online. It made a huge difference. It would not have been possible otherwise and it has led to a strong connection with Orkney Japan Association and public talks.
Category:Visual Arts and Craft Maker Awards