VACMA: Britt Harcus
Date: 21st January 2025
Time: 12:00 to 12:00

The aim of my project was to expand my research and create new content for my next book about Quanterness, the farmhouse I grew up in. Without dedicated time set aside for this project, I would not have reached the stage I am at now. My creative practice has definitely improved since I began this project in February 2024. I am pleased to report the research has gone well, but like many projects, this became more in-depth than first anticipated. My father, much of my extended family and many trips to the Orkney Library and Archive have given me a large amount of material for this project. More than I could ever have imagined. The bursary gave me time to do this vital piece of research and has been much appreciated.
I have enjoyed my daily practice of drawing and painting immensely and am still continuing this habit as often as possible. I have attended several craft fairs throughout the year, (Easter, County Show and various Christmas events) each time I have had positive feedback on this book idea. People seem interested about all of the following: a new local book, further information on a place of local interest, my latest artwork and/or a potential gift to send to Orcadian’s further afield. I am now in my 20th year of business as a freelance illustrator so feel this launch is quite timely. Talking to the public has definitely helped me home in on exactly what I want to produce. It has made me think about the reader, the audience, (visitors and locals), plus the overall content and appearance, in a more focused manner.
Word of mouth is powerful, and social media has been helpful. This new book should be out in Spring this year all being well. Originally, I did wish to have it out for August 2024 but was perhaps a little naive in terms of the work involved in this particular book project. I also found another area of interest within my research, which I hope to use in an exhibition of artwork later this season, both Originals and prints. The whole project has been a great learning experience, I have found it refreshing and has really helped me to revive my creative practice. I am very grateful for this.
Category:Visual Arts and Craft Maker Awards