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Terms of Reference


The ambition for all of Scotland’s children is that they are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. To achieve this every child and young person needs to be safe; healthy; achieving; nurtured; active; respected and responsible; and included.

Planning and development for services for children and young people in Orkney is organised using a ‘growing up’ model. This is set in the context of developing and strengthening partnerships as part of the wider agenda of building community capacity, early intervention and preventative spend.


Orkney’s ambition for children and young people is that this is a place where service providers and community work together so that, as children and young people grow up, they get the right help, at the right time, in the right way.


In practical terms this means that:

  • Our children and young people have the best start in life and are ready to succeed.
  • Our children and young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
  • Our children and young people are better educated, more skilled and more successful.
  • Our community has improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Priorities and actions within the current plan reflect those ambitions and projects where collaboration between agencies and services is essential for success.

The Integrated Children’s Services Plan is not therefore a representation of the total activity undertaken by services, teams and individuals who form an integral part of the children’s services workforce and community provision for children and young people in Orkney.

Membership of the Partnership

Anyone who has a role or relationship with children and young people can be a member of the Orkney Childcare and Young People’s Partnership (this includes, for example, statutory and non-statutory service providers, volunteers and parents). Partnership members will be on a circulation list for news and publications. They will receive minutes from any meetings and an invitation to all partnership events (for example learning opportunities and consultation events).

Membership of the Steering Group

The work of the Partnership is overseen by a steering group. The steering group consists of a mix of professional, political and community representation. It is expected that members of the steering group have strategic or management or front-line roles within their organisations. However all the members of the steering group will be ‘leaders’ within their own context and people who make a difference or get things done.

The membership can be amended or adapted at a meeting of the steering group, if the proposed change is supported by a majority and consists of at least 10 votes or more.

Sub-groups and Working Groups

The Partnership may establish subgroups and working groups. These should report to each meeting to ensure all members are informed about the work they are carrying out and progress toward any targets set.

Engagement with Parents, Children and Young People

There is no formal representation for these groups on the steering group or partnership. However the work of the partnership should be underpinned by quality consultation and engagement to ensure the relevant voices are heard and decisions are well informed.


Meetings of the steering group are held (at least) quarterly. In addition there is at least 1 meeting of the partnership annually.

Election of Chair and Vice-chair

A chair and vice-chair will be elected by secret ballot at the first meeting of the calendar year. There must be enough members present for a minimum of 10 votes to be cast.


Members of the partnership will contribute directly and indirectly (including in- kind contributions) to the aims of the partnership.

The core purpose of the partnership budget is to support themes outlined in the Orkney Children’s Services Plan.

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