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Supplementary Guidance

After the adoption of the Orkney Local Development Plan 2017, six Supplementary Guidance have statutory status, meaning they form part of the Plan and have the same weight when deciding planning applications. They are:

  • Settlement Statements.
  • Housing in the Countryside.
  • Energy.
  • Natural Environment.
  • Historic Environment and Cultural Heritage.
  • Aquaculture.

In addition, there is a Planning Policy Advice document "Historic Environment - Topics and Themes", which supports the Natural Environment and Cultural Heritage Supplementary Guidance.

All of the above documents, including the respective consultation reports and appendices can be accessed from the 'More pages in this section' menu.

If you have any questions about any of these document please contact Development and Marine Planning on 01856873535 extension 2531, or by email.

Supplementary Guidance is prepared by Development and Marine Planning to provide a policy interpretation or solution to a given issue, and is subject to public and key agency consultation. All material planning issues raised during the consultation period are considered by Development and Marine Planning and are addressed within a Consultation Report. The Consultation Report details all amendments made to the draft brief as a result of representations received and provides details as to why other suggestions have not resulted in changes to the document.

Once any decision to approve the document has been ratified by Full Council, it is notified to the Scottish Government and, once approved, it is formally adopted as Supplementary Guidance and becomes be a material consideration in the determination of subsequent relevant planning applications.

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