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Website User Guide

This page provides advice on how to make the most of the Orkney Islands Council website. We also value your views and have provided a form for you to suggest improvements to the service.

Finding your way around a website can sometimes be a bit confusing. We aim to make the navigation of the Orkney Islands Council website as easy as possible. We also endeavour to make the website accessible to everyone and have provided additional software to assist people who need support to get the information they are looking for.

This page provides guidance on how to make the most of the Orkney Islands Council website and describes the software available for assistance with reading the information available.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

All downloadable files on the Orkney Islands Council website are created in PDF format. To access these files the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free from As with all third party software, please read the licence agreement before accepting and installing, as Orkney Islands Council cannot accept any responsibility for issues that may arise from the installation of third party software.

Alternative formats

All our written information can be made available, on request, in a range of different formats and languages. If you would like any of the documents in any other language or format, please contact Corporate and Community Strategy by email or call 01856873535, extension 4052. This notice is available in a range of languages, from the 'Related Downloads' section on this page.

Web pages

A user guide is available from the following link and details how the web pages work on this website.

Related Links

Text in pages may refer to other pages within the Orkney Islands Council website that are relevant to the information on the current page. These pages can be linked to via the 'Related Links' section of the current page.

Related Sites

Text in pages may refer to external websites that provide further information. These websites can be linked to via the 'Related Sites' section of the current page.

Related Downloads

Text in pages may refer to documents for download such as Committee Reports. These files can be accessed via the 'Related Downloads' section of the current page.

Breadcrumb Trail (You are here)

The breadcrumb trail is visible directly below the page banner from the 'You are here' menu. As you navigate your way through the menus the breadcrumb trail grows to show exactly where you are within the website.

Your Views

At Orkney Islands Council we want you to tell us what you want from this website. We may not be able to provide everything on your wish list but we understand that there are always ideas that can be put in place to make the service we provide as efficient and helpful as possible.