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Update to the Sustainability Label Generator

Date: 12 January 2021

The current web service where users produce the Sustainability label (statement) to submit along with their Completion Certificate is being rebuilt.  This is as a consequence of support for Adobe Flash Player, on which the website relies, no longer being provided from December 2020.

The appearance of the website is being refreshed, however, the functionality and levels of sustainability remain unchanged.  Please note that a new domain name and web address will be provided to the service:

Whilst support for Adobe flash player is no longer being provided, sustainability labels can continue to be produced on the current site ( provided users have not disabled flash player from running on their computers. Once the new site is live, users accessing the current will be automatically redirected to

  • Summary:

    The current web service where users produce the Sustainability label (statement) to submit along with their Completion Certificate is being rebuilt.  This is as a consequence of support for Adobe Flash Player, on which the website relies, no longer being provided from December 2020.

    The appearance of the website is being refreshed, however, the functionality and levels of sustainability remain unchanged.  Please note that a new domain name and web address will be provided to the service:

  • Category:
    • Building Standards
    • Planning and Building
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