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New research to assess response to climate change in Orkney gets underway

Date: 11 July 2019

Time: 16:46

A research project looking at how we react in the UK to climate hazards like flooding and storms is seeking local residents and businesses in Orkney to take part in the study.

The project is being carried out by AECOM and Sniffer (a Scottish environmental sustainability charity) on behalf of the UK Government's Committee on Climate Change. It aims to improve understanding of how residents and businesses respond to, and manage, extreme weather and climate change.

The study will look at public behaviours in the run up to, during and after a storm or flood, what factors affect these behaviours and how these behaviours then affect the impact of the event.

The findings will be used to inform the next UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, which supports the Scottish Government to plan future actions to improve our resilience to climate change.

Orkney is one of a small number of areas to be chosen as a case study, with Ballater in Aberdeenshire and Peebles in Scottish Borders being the other Scottish case studies to be featured in the work.

For the first phase of the work, residents and businesses are being asked to fill in a short online survey which is available here

Kit England, a Climate Resilience Manager from Sniffer is leading stakeholder engagement on the Scottish strand of the work.  He said: "Orkney has been chosen as we're particularly keen to understand the unique context of responding to and preparing for these impacts in the islands, since their geographical, social and economic context is unique amongst other parts of the UK.”

The findings will be used to shape a next phase of engagement with residents, businesses, and stakeholders, with the findings being used to inform the next UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and Government policy on managing the risks associated with climate change.

  • Summary:

    A research project looking at how we react in the UK to climate hazards like flooding and storms is seeking local residents and businesses in Orkney to take part in the study.

  • Category:
    Climate Aware
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