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Smoking Policy

Orkney Islands Council is committed to the protection and improvement of the health of Orkney’s population, including caring for the wellbeing of its staff.

The Council recognises the risks of smoking tobacco both to smokers and non-smokers. The Council’s aim is to minimise the harmful and unpleasant effects of smoking on staff and the public in those buildings controlled by the Council and to offer all employees who smoke positive assistance to give up.

This policy will replace all previous policies and instructions relating to control of smoking in Council premises or worksites. It complies with the Smoking, Health & Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 and recognises the statutory duty outlined in the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Safety and Health of Pregnant Workers Directive (92/85/EEC).

This policy, and any significant future amendments, will be subject to staff consultation and a reasonable period of notice before implementation, to allow time for staff to effect any necessary actions and adjustments.

The policy applies equally to all Council employees, encouraging equal opportunities with respect to disability, gender, race, religion/belief, age or sexual orientation. An Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken to ensure that no groups are adversely affected in implementing this policy.

To view a copy of the OIC Smoking Policy, please see the 'related downloads' section  of this page.

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