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Organising Safe Events

The Organising Safe Events Guide is not designed to tell you how to run your event but to provide general advice and pointers to help you when arranging any type of event.  It's main aim is to enable event organisers to improve event safety.  An event could include outdoor fairs, fetes, concerts, festivals, car boot fairs, small indoor community dances, craft shows, street parties and County fairs.  This guide is intended to be of use to anyone organising any type of event.

The guide is available in PDF format from the 'Related Downloads' section of this page.

The responsibility of the organisers to ensure safety is just as relevant for smaller indoor events such as jumble sales, presentations or exhibitions, etc., held in a church, school or community hall.  This guide has been designed with you, the organiser, in mind.  It aims to cover many of the areas that will need to be addressed when organising any event where members of public are to attend.  Please remember this is only a guide and will not cover every area you might need to consider. If you require further advice please contact Environmental Health on 01856873535 extension 2801 or via email.

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