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Development Briefs

Approved Development Briefs are Planning Policy Advice and have weight in the determination of planning applications within the defined site. Supplementary Guidance: Settlement Statements (April 2017), defines when allocated sites require a development brief to be completed and also states that the Council reverses the right to request a development brief for an area of ground within a settlement boundary (either a formal allocation or not), if it is deemed by to be necessary in providing for better design or development outcomes.

There are a number of reasons why the Council would request the completion of a Development Brief. This could be because the site is seen to be strategic in the delivery of housing or employment opportunities, located either within Kirkwall or Stromness or there are a number of complex development considerations that require to be investigated fully.

The site through the development brief process will be considered within its context and will look at development issues such as the potential layouts, uses, movement and links, surface water drainage or flooding. Once a draft version has been completed there will be a period of public consultation. Comments are fully considered and may lead to changes to the final version that is approved by the Council as Planning Policy Advice.

The Council are the lead organisation in the production of a Development Brief, although depending on the area of land to be considered, a landowner, developers or agent may investigate and prepare a Development Brief with assistance and in consultation with the Council.

With the adoption of the Orkney Local Plan 2017 (OLDP 2017) some references have changed. For each Development Brief the relevant OLDP 2017 allocation has been noted. If you have any questions regarding allocations or any of the Development Briefs please contact Development and Marine Planning on 01856873535 extension 2531 or by email.

More information on Development Briefs can be accessed from the 'More pages in this section' menu.

The newly adopted Plan and associated Guidances are available via the 'Related Links' section of this page.

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