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Scapa Flow Aquaculture Water Quality Impact Modelling Assessment - Development Management Guidance

In 2018, the Council commissioned Intertek Energy and Water Consultancy Services (Intertek) to undertake a predictive far-field modelling assessment of existing and proposed fish farms in Scapa Flow. The study considered potential effects to water quality due to nutrient loading and enrichment.

Development Management Guidance: Aquaculture Water Quality Impact Modelling Assessment for Scapa Flow supports the interpretation of Orkney Local Development Plan Policy 12 Coastal Development, and Supplementary Guidance Aquaculture Development Criteria 5: Water Quality and Benthic Impacts. Development Management Guidance is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

A steering group was established to guide the project which included OIC Development and Marine Planning officers, a SEPA Aquaculture Specialist and a SEPA Senior Specialist Scientist (Air and Marine Modelling Unit).

This interactive story map aims to explain the purpose and findings of the Scapa Flow Aquaculture Water Quality Impact Modelling Assessment and is available from the 'Related Sites' section of this page.

For the avoidance of doubt, the story map is not the Development Management Guidance. The Development Management Guidance can be accessed from the ‘Related Downloads' section of this page.

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