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Council publishes draft aquaculture plan for consultation

Council publishes draft aquaculture plan for consultation
16 March 2017

Draft planning guidance for aquaculture activity in the county is being published by Orkney Islands Council this week for public consultation.

The draft version of the Supplementary Guidance Aquaculture will be available on the Council website and customer service points for a six week period of public consultation from 16 March to 27 April.

The online version of the document makes use of interactive mapping technology, meaning users can zoom in and out of maps of different areas of Orkney to see specific places in detail. The maps include potential constraints for future development and sensitive areas that could be affected by future aquaculture proposals.

The Council’s planning team has been working closely with industry bodies including local aquaculture and fisheries interests throughout the development of the draft guidance, and a range of statutory consultees including SEPA and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Following the consultation, the draft Guidance will be revised and reported to the Council for approval.

Representations can be made by email or by post to The Planning Manager, Development and Marine Planning, Development and Infrastructure, Orkney Islands Council, School Place, Kirkwall, KW15 1NY.

To discuss any aspect of this draft Supplementary Guidance, contact James Green, Senior Policy Planner, by telephone on 01856873535 Ext 3045 or 2516.

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